001N05 Argentia Canada topo map, 1:50,000 scale
001N05 Argentia NRCAN topographic map.
Includes UTM and GPS geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This 50k scale map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or you could frame it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or as an upgrade on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: NRCAN-001N05
- Parent Topo: TOPO-001N
- Map ID also known as: 001N05, 01N5, 1N5, 01N05, 1N05
- Unfolded Size: Approximately 26" high by 36" wide
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD NRCAN Topographic Map
- Map Scale: 1:50,000
- Geographical region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring Canadian topo maps are available for sale online at 1:50,000 scale.
Purchase the smaller scale map covering this area: Topo-001N
Spatial coverage:
Topo map sheet 001N05 Argentia covers the following places:
- Argentia Harbour - Back Cove - Back Cove - Baker Cove - Bald Head Bay - Big Seal Cove - Broad Cove - Bungays Brook Cove - Cashmans Cove - Cod Bag - Coles Cove - Connor Cove - Conway Cove - Conway Cove - Cooper Cove - Cooper Cove - Corbin Head Cove - Cove nan Drioch-Clochan - Coxhill Cove - Crouchers Cove - Cullen Cove - Fencys Cove - Fleece Cove - Fox Harbour - Freshwater Cove - Granny Cove - Grepes Nest - Herring Bay - Herring Cove - Inside KellysCove - Isaacs Cove - Kellys Cove - Kings Cove - Ledwells Cove - Little Seal Cove - Long Harbour - Maurice Poole Cove - Moany Cove - Moores Cove - North Barasway - Northeast Arm - Northeast Cove - Outside Kellys Cove - Paulines Cove - Phil Cove - Placentia Bay - Placentia Harbour - Placentia Road - Placentia Sound - Powells Cove - Rattling Brook Cove - Salmon Cove - Salmon Hole - Salmonier Cove - Sand Cove - Sandy Cove - Seven Islands Cove - Shalloway Cove - Ship Harbour - Shoal Cove - Southwest Barasway Cove - St. Croix Bay - Sweeneys Cove - Tim Barrett Cove - Tom Walsh Cove - Travers Cove - Trinny Cove - Whiffens Cove - Wild Cove - Wild Cove - Wild Cove - Bald Head Beach - First Beach - St. Croix Beach - Wild Shore - Argentia Peninsula - Avalon Peninsula - Baker Point - Bald Head - Big Head - Big Head - Black Head - Broad Cove Head - Broad Cove Point - Cairn Head - Connor Cove Point - Conways Point - Cooper Head - Coopers Head - Corbin Head - Cove nan Drioch-Clochan Point - Coxhill Point - Crèvecoeur Point - Crève-Coeur Point - Cullen Point - Davies Cove Head - Deep Point - Dunphys Point - Fish Point - Fleece Cove Point - Foleys Point - Georges Head - Grassy Point - Grassy Point - Haddock Point - Halls Point - Herring Point - Herring Point - Isaac Point - Kelly Point - Long Harbour Head - Long Point - Low Room Point - Lukeys Point - Maker Point - Maturin Point - Moany Cove Point - Moll Point - Mooring Point - Otter Rub - Point Mal - Point of the Gut - Point of the Pond - Powell Point - Rattling Brook Point - Roche Point - Rocky Point - Rub Point - Salmonier Point - Samson Point - Sandy Point - Sandy Point - Seal Cove Head - Shalloway Point - Ship Harbour Point - Southern Point - Sparrow Point - St. Croix Point - Stage Head - Sugarloaf Point - The Head - The Key - The Marquise - The Neck - Travers Cove Point - Trinny Cove Head - Trinny Cove Point - Turfy Head - Virgin Point - White Point - White Point - Wild Cove Head - Wild Cove Point - Witless Head - Placentia Gut - The Gut - Blue Cliff - Clay Scrape - Foxes Scrape - Brennans Falls - Black-a-Moor - Blue Shag Island - Brine Islands - Burke Island - Crawley Island - Cross Island - Dock Island - East Green Island - Fox Island - Grassy Islands - Graves Island - Gull Island - Harbour Island - Hole in the Wall Island - Iona Islands - King Island - Little Burke Island - Little Island - Merchant Island - North Green Island - Ontario Isles - Seven Islands - Trinny Cove Islands - Woody Island - Andys Pond - Angle Pond - Anthonys Gullies - Argentia Pond - Baby Pond - Bakers Pond - Barretts Pond - Barrows Ponds - Beaver Gullies - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Pond - Beaver Steady - Berry Pond - Bethunes Gully - Bethunes Pond - Big Carneys Pond - Big Gull Pond - Big Juniper Pond - Big Pond - Big Seal Pond - Big Shalloway Pond - Big Wyses Pond - Billy Boys Ponds - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Black Duck Pond - Bobs Ponds - Bottom Barasway - Bradleys Pond - Branch Pond - Brazils Pond - Brazils Steadies - Bruces Pond - Bullrush Pond - Bungays Pond - Burkes Gully - Burns Path Pond - Cable Pond - Cahill Pond - Camp Fire Pond - Cap Hill Pond - Car Pond - Carneys Big Pond - Carneys Little Pond - Carols Pond - Cat Gut Pond - Chapel Arm Pond - Clarkes Pond - Cliff Ponds - Coles Pond - Collins Pond - Conway Cove Gullies - Corbin Head Pond - Cranberry Pond - Crooked Gully - Cross Pond - Crossing Pond - Cummings Pond - Cupids Big Pond - Curlews Pond - Davis Pond - Dildo Pond - Drovers Pond - Drummers Pond - Fitzgeralds Pond - Flats Pond - Foleys Pond - Fourth Pond - Fox Harbour Pond - Frank Barasway - Fur Gullies - Furlongs Pond - Gall Pond - Georges Pond - Glove Pond - Goddens Pond - Goose Pond - Goose Pond - Goosey Gullies - Grassy Gullies - Grassy Point Pond - Grassy Pond - Grassy Pond - Gravelly Pond - Gull Pond - Gull Pond - Haleys Pond - Healeys Pond - Healeys Pond - Healeys Second Pond - Henneburys Little Pond - Henneburys Pond - Hickeys Pond - Hidden Ponds - High Pond - Hill Pond - Hoopers Pond - Horse Gully - Hynes Pond - Inside Pond - Inside Trout Pond - Island Cove Pond - Island Pond - Island Pond - Joes Lookout Pond - Joes Pond - Jones Pond - Jones Pond - Junction Pond - Junction Pond - Juniper Gullies - Ladder Pond - Larkins Pond - Lilly Pond - Little Beaver Pond - Little Carneys Pond - Little Goose Pond - Little Gut Pond - Little Henneburys Pond - Little Pond - Little Rattling Pond - Little Shalloway Pond - Little Sparrows Pond - Little Wyses Pond - Long Harbour Head Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Long Pond - Lookout Pond - Loon Pond - Maturin Pond - Maturin Ponds - Maturin Ponds - McDukes Pond - McGraths Pond - Mickeys Pond - Middle Lead Pond - Middle Pond - Middle Pond - Middle Pond Gully - Mill Pond - Moores Pond - Mountain Pond - Mullins Gully - Murphys Gully - Murray Barasway - Naked Man Ponds - Nats Goose Pond - Nine Island Pond - Normans Pond - North Harbour Pond - Noseworthys Pond - O'Keefes Pond - Old Shop Inside Pond - Old Shop Outside Pond - Old Shop Steadies - Old Shop Steadies - O'Reillys Pond - Outside Shalloway Pond - Outside Trout Pond - Peak Pond - Pikes Pond - Powells Point - Question Pond - Rattling Brook Big Pond - Ratty Steady - Reids Pond - Reids Pond - Reversing Pond - Rhodies Pond - Roaches Pond - Rock Gully - Rocky Pond - Rocky Pond - Rocky Ridges Ponds - Round Pond - Round Pond - Sandy Pond - Schoolhouse Pond - Scotts Pond - Seal Cove Pond - Second Island Pond - Second Pond - Shag Ponds - ShallowayPonds - Shellbird Ponds - Shingle Pond - Ship Harbour Big Pond - Ship Harbour Point Pond - Side Gully - Simmons Pond - Snack Cove Pond - Snows Pond - Snowshoe Pond - Soldier Pond - Soldier Pond - Soldiers Ponds - Southern Pond - Sparrows Little Pond - Sparrows Pond - St. Shores Pond - Stag Pond - Station Pond - Stowes Pond - Strayaway Pond - Sweetmans Pond - The Pond - Third Pond - Third Pond - Three Mass Pond - Three Mast Pond - Tim Barretts Cove Pond - Tim Griffiths Pond - Tom Walshs Cove Pond - Triangle Pond - Trinny Cove Barasway - Trinny Cove Gull Pond - Trinny Cove Pond - Trout Pond - Trout Pond - Trout Pond Gully - Uncle Calebs Gully - Uncle Jacks Pond - Warrens Pond - White Cow Ponds - White Hearts Pond - Wigwam Pond - Wolf Pond - Wyses Big Pond - Wyses Little Pond - Yankees Pond - Bald Head Hill - Big Head - Birchy Drook Hill - Birchy Hill - Black Duck Hill - Blue Hills - Brazils Hill - Burkes Head - Cap Hill - Castle Hill - Connor Cove Hill - Crève-Coeur Hill - Crow Cliff - Crow Hill - Deep Pond Hill - Fundy Hill - Hares Raise - High Country - Home Hills - Isaac Heads - Joes Lookout - Long Hills - Lookout Hill - Merchant Head Hill - Moores Cove Hill - Mount Gallardin - Northeast Mountain - Northwest Mountain - Pearce Peak - Pigeon Hills - Rock Cut - Rocky Ridges - Sharp Peak - Signal Hill - Signal Hill - Spread Eagle Peak - Sugarloaf - Sugarloaf Hill - The Lookout - The Lookout - The Pinnacles - Tim Barretts Hill - Tim Griffiths Hill - Tom Power Lookout - Tom Walsh Lookout - Castle Hill National Historic Site of Canada - Fitzgerald's Pond Provincial Park - Lieu historique national du Canada de Castle Hill - Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park - Back River - Big Rattling Brook - Bottom Brook - Broad Cove Brook - Bungays Brook - Cataract Brook - Cataract River - Christys Gulch Brook - Colinet River - Collins Brook - Coombs Brook - Cranberry Brook - Diamond Bridge Brook - Duffy Brook - Fitzpatricks Brook - Grassy Point Brook - Hodge River - Kellys Cove Brook - Ladder Pond Brook - Little Rattling Brook - Maturin Brook - Mill Brook - Mill Brook - Murphys Brook - Naked Man Brook - North Harbour River - Northeast River - Old Shop Brook - Pinsents Brook - Rattling Brook - Rocky River - Rocky River - Shalloway Brook - Shingle Brooks - Ship Harbour Brook - Soldiers Brook - Soldiers Ponds Brook - Sound Brook - Spread Eagle River - Western Cove Brook - White Hearts River - Bobby Rock - Broad Cove Canyon - Burke Rock - Burns Shoal - Corbin Head Shoal - Dick Burns Rock - Dicks Rock - Flat Rock - George Rock - Hammer Rocks - Hog Rock - Hole In The Wall Rock - Hole in the Wall Rock - Isaac Rock - Lower Ladder Rock - Moratties Shoals - Net Rock - Offer Ledge - Pollock Rocks - Samson Point Shoal - Seal Rock - Seal Rock - Shag Rock - Shag Rock - Shag Rocks - Tim Barrett Rock - Trinny Cove Rock - Upper Ladder Rock - West Rock - White Rock - Fox Harbour - Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights - Placentia - Whitbourne - Argentia - Blaketown - Crawley Island - Cross Roads - Dunville - Ferndale - Freshwater - Gallardin Point - Holiday Hill - Iona - Jerseyside - Little Island Cove - Long Harbour - Long Harbour Station - Markland - Marquise - McAndrew - Mount Arlington Heights - Nuggetville - Placentia Junction - Ship Harbour - Spread Eagle - Trinny Cove - Villa Maria - Villa Marie - Bakeapple March - Billy Boys Marsh - Grannys Barrens - Long Marsh - Naked Man Marsh - Twelve Mile Bog - White Hearts Marsh