Buy map Southern California and Southern Nevada, Regional Scenic Tours by MAD Maps

Southern California and Southern Nevada, Regional Scenic Tours by MAD Maps

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Southern California and Southern Nevada
USA Road map: featuring maps of Southern California and Southern Nevada with 32 trips. Whether you are looking for a fun-filled day trip or a relaxing weekend getaway, these maps are the ultimate road trip planner as you take to the scenic highways of the diverse terrain of this region. Local scouts have already done the work for you by finding the best roads. In a car or RV or Motorcycle? These travel maps will suit your style. Covering the finest scenic roads from the Monterey-Carmel Peninsula down to Mexico, included are 35 scenic road trips of the region-so theres a road trip for everyone. California Coast travel (Route 1) is a highlight as you explore such quintessentially California towns as Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur and Santa Barbara. Away from the coast, you can explore such gems as Los Padres National Forest, Angeles National Forest, Death Valley, Joshua Tree and Hoover Dam. This California and Nevada travel map is definitely your guide to a world far more breathtaking than any Hollywood movie set. MAD Maps road trip maps are available in traditional paper maps, as well as maps for iPhone and Android.
US Road Trip MAD Maps Feature:
*Scenic Day and Overnight Road Trips
*24-35 Trip Options Per Map With Directions
*Convenient Pocket Size: 4 x 9 - (FOLDED)
*Color-Coded Routes
*Water and Tear-Resistant Paper
*Hand-Picked Routes from Local Scouts
*Must See Roadside Attractions
*Campgrounds, Recreational Areas, and Outfitters
*Historical Anecdotes and Entertaining Insights

  • Product Number: 2226974M
  • Product Code: MADM_RT_CA_NV
  • ISBN: 9781933911403
  • Year of Publication: 2016
  • Folded Size: 8.66 x 3.94 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 34.25 x 25.59 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: California

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