Jurmala 1:20 000/1:10 000
Riga and Jurmala on waterproof and tear-resistant street plan from Jana Seta, including on the reverse side a large street plan at 1:7,000 of Riga’s central districts highlighting 25 of the city’s principal tourist sites.
On one side is a detail plan of the city’s historic heart and the surrounding districts. Tram routs are shown with stops and line numbers and the map also shows the bus connections from the city centre to the airport. For divers, principal traffic routes are highlighted and locations of petrol stations and car parks are marked. Streets are annotated with selected house numbers for easier identification of addresses. 25 of Riga’s principal tourist sights are prominently highlighted.
Street index is on the reverse side which also includes a plan at 1:25,000 covering the city with its outer suburbs and Jurmala, highlighting 13 more places of interest outside the city centre. Also provided is a large, clear diagram of the public transport network: tram lines, bus route
- Product Number: JAN_JUR_16
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9789984074542
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2015
- Folded Size: 7.87 inches high by 4.13 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 28.35 inches high by 23.62 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - City Maps
- Geographical region: Latvia