~ Walhalla GA topo map, 1:125000 scale, 30 X 30 Minute, Historical, 1892, updated 1900
Walhalla, Georgia, USGS topographic map dated 1892.
Includes geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). This topographic map is suitable for hiking, camping, and exploring, or framing it as a wall map.
Printed on-demand using high resolution imagery, on heavy weight and acid free paper, or alternatively on a variety of synthetic materials.
Topos available on paper, Waterproof, Poly, or Tyvek. Usually shipping rolled, unless combined with other folded maps in one order.
- Product Number: USGS-5365316
- Free digital map download (high-resolution, GeoPDF): Walhalla, Georgia (file size: 9 MB)
- Map Size: please refer to the dimensions of the GeoPDF map above
- Weight (paper map): ca. 55 grams
- Map Type: POD USGS Topographic Map
- Map Series: HTMC
- Map Verison: Historical
- Cell ID: 66875
- Scan ID: 247808
- Imprint Year: 1900
- Survey Year: 1885
- Datum: Unstated
- Map Projection: Unstated
- Map published by United States Geological Survey
- Map Language: English
- Scanner Resolution: 600 dpi
- Map Cell Name: Walhalla
- Grid size: 30 X 30 Minute
- Date on map: 1892
- Map Scale: 1:125000
- Geographical region: Georgia, United States
Neighboring Maps:
All neighboring USGS topo maps are available for sale online at a variety of scales.
Spatial coverage:
Topo map Walhalla, Georgia, covers the geographical area associated the following places:
- Whetstone - Laurel Falls - Ridgeland Estates - Spring Lake - Poplar Springs Ridge - Turnerville - Fairplay Shores - Carnes Creek - Camp Oak - Oakmont - Poplar Grove - Fighting Pine - Hayes Crossing - Dutch Fork - Percival Crossroads - Stottsville - Pine Mountain - New Switzerland - Germany - Boydville - Retreat - Burton Junction (historical) - Eastminster - Tabor - Long Bottom Ford - Anandale (historical) - Hollywood - Springdale - Antioch - Clearmont - Jason - Horse Shoe (historical) - Chauga Heights - Battle Creek - Westminster - Fairview - Dixon Crossroads - Dickerson Mill - York - Eastcliff - Tallulah Park (historical) - Dicks Hill - Tugaloo - Conneross (historical) - Tallulah Falls - Three Forks - Woodland Trailer Park - Sky Valley - Satolah - Phinney - Brock - Dillard - Ayersville - Ebenezer - Wiley - Moody Cove - Richland - Holly Springs - Picket Post - Hicks Store - Cheohee - Shirley Grove - Five Points - Old Madison - Avalon - West Union - Russell (historical) - Clayton - Flat Shoals - Harbin (historical) - Johns Mill - Brasstown - Tamassee - Toccoa Falls - Eastanollee - Kilby Mill - Avondale - Walhalla - Dixon Crossroads - Tiger - Forest Acres - Crystal Falls - Longcreek - Toccoa - Shorts Mill - Port Bass - South Union - Lakemont - Jarrett - Fowlertown - Burns Mill - Oconee Estates - Oakway - Mountain City - Colonial Heights - Madison - Midway - Country Villa Subdivision - Union Hill
- Map Area ID: AREA3534.5-83.5-83
- Northwest corner Lat/Long code: USGSNW35-83.5
- Northeast corner Lat/Long code: USGSNE35-83
- Southwest corner Lat/Long code: USGSSW34.5-83.5
- Southeast corner Lat/Long code: USGSSE34.5-83
- Northern map edge Latitude: 35
- Southern map edge Latitude: 34.5
- Western map edge Longitude: -83.5
- Eastern map edge Longitude: -83