Rio Verde-Laguna Blanca (Spanish edition) by SIG Patagon
Rio Verde - Laguna Blanca area of the Chilean Patagonia on a double-sided, contoured and GPS-compatible map from SIG Patagon. One side at 1:185,000 is centered on Laguna Blanca and extending north to Morro Chico and south in to the northern part of Seno Otway and Reten Kon Aitken at the foot of the Brunswick Peninsula. The map shows local roads and tracks and symbols indicate locations with tourist facilities, sites for trekking and watching local fauna, etc.
On the reverse, a map at 1:210,000 extends coverage further west of Laguna Blanca along the Seno Skyring to approx. 72º45W. Both sides have a UTM grid, plus latitude and longitude margin ticks at 30. Map legend is in Spanish only. Current edition of this title was published in January 2015.
- Product Number: 2227357M
- Product Code: SIG_VERDE
- ISBN: 9786000515348
- Year of Publication: 2015
- Folded Size: 9.84 x 5.91 inches
- Unfolded Size: 25 x 18.5 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Chile