Tierra del Fuego (Spanish edition) by SIG Patagon
Tierra del Fuego at 1:585,000 on light, waterproof and tear-resistant, GPS-compatible map from SIG Patagon, plus on the reverse Isla Navarino at 1:85,000, with tourist facilities including accommodation and campsites, etc.
On one side a map at 1:585,000 covers most of Tierra del Fuego, extending on the Argentinian side eastwards beyond the road liking Rio Grange with Tolhuin. With Punta Arenas on the western edge of the map, coverage also includes the whole of the Isla Dawson. Topography is presented by relief shading, with boundaries of protected areas. The map shows local roads and tracks, and symbols indicate locations with tourist facilities, sites for trekking and watching local fauna, etc. Also marked are ferry connections. The map has a UTM grid, plus latitude and longitude margin ticks at 1º. PLEASE NOTE: most place names on this map are in very small print.
On the reverse Isla Navarino with the Beagle Channel and Ushuaia is shown enlarged to 1:85,000, with contour lines at 50m intervals and tourist information clearly visible. The map shows the route of a hiking trail from Puerto Williams southwards to Lago Windhond and iNdicates numerous locations for watching local fauna. This side also has a UTM grid plus margin tick at 30. Map legends for both sides are in Spanish only. Current edition of this title was published in December 2015.
- Product Number: 2227356M
- Product Code: SIG_FUEGO
- ISBN: 9789563588491
- Year of Publication: 2015
- Folded Size: 9.84 x 5.91 inches
- Unfolded Size: 18.5 x 27.17 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Chile