Oregon, Ghost Towns, 6 Map Set, Then and Now by Northwest Distributors
Fascinating series of 6 maps showing historic ghost towns around the state of Oregon. Map 1 shows Oregon in 1878, and in 1881. Map 2 shows Oregon in 1900, and Oregon town populations in 1900, 1980, and 1999. Maps 3, 4, 5, and 6 show Oregons northwest, northeast, southwest, and southest respectively, in the year 1900 with a red overlap on each showing Oregon today.
- Product Number: 2048364M
- Product Code: NWD_OR_GHOST
- ISBN: 9780965755856
- Year of Publication: 2000
- Folded Size: 9.45 x 6.3 inches
- Unfolded Size: 16.14 x 21.26 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Oregon