Ches Route by deDios
This English-language map traces the route of Ernesto Che Guevaras 1952 motorcycle trip across South America, and includes descriptions of every major stop in Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia. Step-by-step route map and accompanying trip log. Locates the places in Argentina where Guevara spent his childhood. Shows nearby attractions and other interesting spots along the way. Shows the road made by the English organization Care.og, which leads to the preserved sites in the Bolivian jungle where Che spent his last days. Reading lists and web sites to check for more information. Map and trip log on one side; travel and destination information on reverse. Laminated and in color, including color photographs. Scale 1:12,000,000.
- Product Number: 2046527M
- Product Code: DD_CHE_ROUTE
- ISBN: 9789879445297
- Year of Publication: 2004
- Folded Size: 9.06 x 4.72 inches
- Unfolded Size: 26.38 x 14.57 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Peru