California Gold Country by Map Link
After discovering the Gold Countrys historic charm and significance, Actual of Troyes, France and Map Link of Santa Barbara, California decided upon this map as the first of three projects. Soon, Map Link staff were busy gathering historical information and points of interest that would be the basis for this map. Artists and Cartographers, Jean-Francois Gallier and Francois Davot created the beautiful landscape drawing and detailed illustrations seen here. With text information and hand drawn artwork completed, Allan Cartography compiled an up-to-date road map and fit it together with the text and landscape drawings to create this map.
- Product Number: 2033856M
- Product Code: ML_CA_GOLD
- ISBN: 9780929591575
- Year of Publication: 1999
- Folded Size: 9.06 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 6.69 x 31.89 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: California