Canada by Hema Maps
Road & travel map of Canada with shaded relief in subtle colors. Distinguishes 5 kinds of roads from expressways to tracks, shows road numbers and distances in kilometers. Shows railways, airports, provincial and time zone boundaries, mountain passes car ferries, and railway ferries. Locates national parks, restricted areas, Indian reservations, and places of interest. Legend also in Dutch, Czech, Polish. Scale 1;4,000,000. Paper map, printed on one side and attached to a protective hard cover.
- Product Number: 2030388M
- Product Code: HEMA_CAN
- ISBN: 9781865002699
- Year of Publication: 2006
- Folded Size: 5.12 x 9.84 inches
- Unfolded Size: 37.8 x 53.15 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Canada