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Prince Albert Sound Eastern Portion/Partie Est by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Prince Albert Sound, Western Portion/Partie Ouest by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Prince of Wales Strait, Northern Portion/Partie Nord by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Prince of Wales Strait, Southern Portion/Partie Sud by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Princess Royal Channel by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Principe Channel Central Portion/Partie Centrale and/et Petrel Channel by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Principe Channel Southern Portion/Partie Sud by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Pritzler Harbour to/a Maniittur Cape by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Pugwash Harbour and Approaches/et les Approches by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Punchbowl Inlet and Approaches/et les Approches by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Putulik (Hat Island) and/et Wilkins Point by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Qikirtaaluk Islands a/to Point Qirniraujaq by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Quaker Hat to/a Cape Harrison by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Quatsino Sound by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Quatsino Sound to/a Queen Charlotte Strait by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Quebec a/to Donnacona by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Charlotte Sound by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Charlotte Sound to/a Dixon Entrance by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Charlotte Strait Eastern Portion/Partie Est by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Charlotte Strait Western Portion/Partie Ouest by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Charlotte Strait, Central Portion/Partie Centrale by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Maud Gulf Eastern Portion/Partie Est by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queen Maud Gulf Western Portion/Partie Ouest by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queens Sound by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Queens Sound to/a Seaforth Channel by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Quirpon Harbour and Approaches/et les Approches by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Race Rocks to/a DArcy Island by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Rainy Lake/Lac a la Pluie by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Rainy Lake/Lac a la Pluie, Southeast Portion/Partie Sud-Est Anchor Isslands to/a Oakpoint Island by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Rankin Inlet Including/Y Compris Melvin Bay and/et Prairie Bay by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red Bay by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red Deer Point to/a North Manitou Island by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red Island to/a Pinchgut Point by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red Point to/a Guyon Island by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red River/Riviere Rouge to/a Berens River by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Red River/Riviere Rouge to/a Gull Harbour by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Redgut Bay by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Renews Harbour to/a Motion Bay by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Repulse Bay and Approaches/et les Approches by Canadian Hydrographic Service
Repulse Bay Harbours Islands to/a Talun Bay by Canadian Hydrographic Service