Haight-Ashbury Map and Guide by Rufus Graphics
This concise 16-page guide to the Haight-Ashbury tells the amazing story of the Haight from before the 1906 earthquake through the 1960s (sex, drugs, and rock n roll) to today. Accompanied by over 100 images, drawings and photographs, the detailed pullout map shows where the famous stars lived, and what events happened here, along with current information about where to shop and eat, in the Haight today.
Booklet with pull-out map.
- Product Number: 2063343M
- Product Code: RG_HAIGHT
- ISBN: 9788822761750
- Year of Publication: 2010
- Folded Size: 10.24 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 9.84 x 12.6 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: California