Ansel Adams Wilderness, California by Tom Harrison Maps
Shaded relief topographical map of the Ansel Adams Wilderness, located in the Sierra Nevada, scaled at 1:79200 (1 inch represents 1.25 miles) and contour intervals set at 80 feet. The northernmost portion of the map covers Toulumne Meadows, Saddleback Lake, Lee Vining and Lower Mono Lake. The Southern portion covers Mammoth Pool Reservoir, Mt. Tom, and Lake Thomas Edison. The western edge feature Merced Lake and Chiquito Pass. To the eastern side is Mono Craters, Mammoth Lakes and Silver Lake Pass. Beautiful Map.
- Product Number: 2033571M
- Product Code: TH_ANSEL_ADAM
- ISBN: 9780981834429
- Year of Publication: 2011
- Folded Size: 7.87 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 29.53 x 23.62 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: California