Brazil Adventure Map 3401
• Waterproof • Tear-Resistant • Travel Map
National Geographic’s Brazil Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective, highlighting hundreds of points of interest and the diverse and unique destinations within the country. The map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for highways, tollways, main roads, and more. Airports, airfields, anchorages, harbors, railroads, and other travel aids are invaluable for adventurers seeking to explore both the extensive coastline and the tropical rainforests, savannahs, and woodlands at the heart of the countrys interior.
The front side includes the western half of the country and features the remarkable Amazon Basin and the Mato Grosso Plateau. The eastern half of the country is covered on the back side of the map, including the capital of Brasilia and the cities of Sao Paulo, Rio de
- Product Number: NG_AM_BRA_22
- Reference Product Number: - None -
- ISBN: 9781566955454
- Date of Publication: 6/1/2022
- Folded Size: 9.45 inches high by 4.33 inches wide
- Unfolded (flat) Size: 25.59 inches high by 37.4 inches wide
- Map format: Folded
- Map type: Trade Maps - Travel
- Geographical region: Brazil