Classroom Atlas of the World by Rand McNally
Clearly organized by continent, this award winning Classroom Atlas of the World includes essential how-to information on using an atlas.
-Perfect geography learning geared for grades 4-9.
-Updated to reflect recent world changes.
-Eye-catching pictures and informative graphics.
-Includes a special 9-page section on U.S. regions.
-Packed with photos, graphs, critical thinking questions, brain teasers, and charts the illustrate map concepts.
-102 physical, political and thematic maps.
-Clearly organized by continent, with an overview to introduce each continent.
- Product Number: 2184915
- Product Code: RM_CLASS_AT
- ISBN: 9780528013003
- Year of Publication: 2013
- Unfolded Size: 8.5 x 10.875 inches
- Map type: Atlas
- Geographical region: World