Arkansas River, Leadville to Salida, CO (Map 2303) by National Geographic Maps
The Arkansas River, Leadville to Salida Fishing & River Map Guide is designed to be the perfect companion to anyone recreating on the upper Arkansas. On the upper river, there is a great distinction to be drawn between the waters above and below the confluence with Lake Creek. This is partly one of topography-above this point the river is largely an oxbowed meadow stream, while below it flows through the steep and confined channel of the Granite Gorge and on through the several canyons that follow. But it is also differentiated by its hydrology-the flow through the Hayden Meadows reach above Lake Creek is almost totally natural, with a short but intense spring runoff, while the river below that confluence is augmented by releases of water from both Twin Lakes and Turquoise reservoirs. As a result of these impoundments, higher flows are common below Lake Creek in general and throughout the summer in particular.
Each Fishing & River Map Guide includes detailed river maps at a scale of 1 inch = 1/2 mile. At this scale, every turn in the river and rapid is clearly shown and labeled. Each page is centered on the river and overlaps with the adjacent pages so finding any location along the river is easy. The maps include rapids, river miles, access points, private and public lands, gaging stations, recreation sites, and more.
Greg Felt, a renowned fly fishing guide on the Arkansas River, has written the introduction as well as descriptions of specific fly fishing strategies and seasonal fluctuations found on the river. Also included are stream flow charts, hatch charts, and a table of river access points.
More convenient and easier to use than folded maps, but just as compact and lightweight, National Geographics Fishing & River Map Guide booklets are printed on Backcountry Tough waterproof, tear-resistant paper with stainless steel staples. A full UTM grid is printed on the map to aid with GPS navigation.
- Product Number: 2259269M
- Product Code: NG_FR_2303
- ISBN: 9781566957038
- Year of Publication: 2017
- Folded Size: 9.45 x 4.33 inches
- Unfolded Size: 8.66 x 8.27 inches
- Map type: Folded Map
- Geographical region: Pennsylvania