Buy map Neuseidler See-Rust Seewinkel, WK 271 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

Neuseidler See-Rust Seewinkel, WK 271 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

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Folded hiking map of Neusiedler Lake, Rust, and Seewinkel National Park, Austria. Coverage extends to Osli, Hungary. Includes information and index in German. Map legend also in French, Italian, and English. WK 271.

  • Product Number: 2032060M
  • Product Code: FB_WK_50_271
  • ISBN: 9783850847278
  • Year of Publication: 2001
  • Folded Size: 8.27 x 4.72 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 29.92 x 36.22 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: Austria

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