Buy map Julische Alpen, WK 141 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

Julische Alpen, WK 141 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

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Folded hiking map of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. Coverage includes Mittagskogel to Tolmin to Bagni. Includes index and information booklet in German. Legend in German, English, Slovenian, and Italian.

  • Product Number: 2032026M
  • Product Code: FB_WK_50_141
  • ISBN: 9783850847353
  • Year of Publication: 1999
  • Folded Size: 8.27 x 4.72 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 29.92 x 40.16 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: Austria

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