Buy map Hochschwab and Murztal, WK 4 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

Hochschwab and Murztal, WK 4 by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

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Folded hiking map of Hochscwab Mountains and Murztal, Austria. Legend in French, English, and German. Information on reverse in German only.

  • Product Number: 2032020M
  • Product Code: FB_WK_100_4
  • ISBN: 9783850846042
  • Year of Publication: 1993
  • Folded Size: 8.27 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 17.52 x 27.17 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: Austria

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