Buy map Munich, Germany by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

Munich, Germany by Freytag-Berndt und Artaria

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Explore Munich with this Freytag & Berndt street map. The best way to plan your trip, prepare your itinerary, and to travel independently in the Bavarian capital.

The map includes a booklet containing a clear enlargement at 1:10 000 of the town centre within the inner ring, indicating one way streets and public transport connection, a diagram of the U and S-Bahn networks and an overview map of the city with its outer suburbs.

Tourist information and places of interest are clearly marked by a range of icons including:

the citys public transport network: tram and bus routes with stops and line numbers
U and S-Bahn stations
campsites and youth hostels
public buildings
religious establishments
police, etc

  • Product Number: 2028870M
  • Product Code: FB_MUNICH
  • ISBN: 9783850841245
  • Year of Publication: 2010
  • Folded Size: 10.24 x 5.12 inches
  • Unfolded Size: 33.86 x 47.64 inches
  • Map type: Folded Map
  • Geographical region: Germany

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