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Kulikak Bay and Surveyor Bay (16514-5) by NOAA
Kuskokwim Bay to Bethel (16304-3) by NOAA
Kuskokwim Bay; Goodnews Bay (16300-10) by NOAA
Lake Bay and approaches, Clarence Str. (17401-12) by NOAA
Latouche Passage to Whale Bay (16702-14) by NOAA
Le Conte Bay (17377-2) by NOAA
Lituya Bay; Lituya Bay Entrance (16762-10) by NOAA
Lynn Canal-Icy Str. to Point Sherman; Funter Bay; Chatham Strait (17316-21) by NOAA
Lynn Canal-Point Sherman to Skagway; Lutak Inlet; Skagway and Nahku Bay; Portage Cove, Chilkoot Inlet (17317-20) by NOAA
Makushin Bay (16517-7) by NOAA
Marmot Bay and Kupreanof Strait; Whale Passage; Ouzinkie Harbor (16594-14) by NOAA
Massacre Bay (16432-12) by NOAA
McClure and Stockton Islands and vicinity (16046-8) by NOAA
Mitrofania Bay And Kuiukta Bay (16561-4) by NOAA
Morzhovoi Bay and Isanotski Strait (16535-12) by NOAA
N. end of Cordova Bay and Hetta Inlet (17431-12) by NOAA
Naked Island to Columbia Bay (16713-4) by NOAA
Nakotlek Pt. to Wainwright (16086-8) by NOAA
Nazan Bay and Amilia Pass (16490-9) by NOAA
Near Islands Buldir Island to Attu Island (16420-10) by NOAA
Nome Hbr. and approaches, Norton Sound; Nome Harbor (16206-9) by NOAA
Northern part of Tlevak Strait and Uloa Channel (17407-16) by NOAA
Norton Sound; Golovnin Bay (16200-15) by NOAA
Orca B. and ln.-Channel ls. to Cordova (16710-18) by NOAA
Passage Canal incl. Port of Whittier; Port of Whittier (16706-11) by NOAA
Peard Bay and approaches (16084-8) by NOAA
Peril Str.-Hoonah Snd. to Chatham Str. (17338-15) by NOAA
Pitt Pt. and vicinity (16066-8) by NOAA
Point Barrow to Herschel Island (16004-12) by NOAA
Point Elrington to Cape Resurrection (16683-12) by NOAA
Point Elrington to East Chugach Island (16680-11) by NOAA
Point Hope to Cape Dyer (16123-7) by NOAA
Port Clarence and approaches (16204-7) by NOAA
Port Heiden (16343-8) by NOAA
Port Moller and Herendeen Bay (16363-12) by NOAA
Port Protection, Prince of Wales Island (17378-15) by NOAA
Port Snettisham (17313-9) by NOAA
Port Wells, including College Fiord and Harriman Fiord (16711-3) by NOAA
Portage and Wide Bays, Alaska Pen. (16570-12) by NOAA
Ports Herbert, Walter, Lucy and Armstrong (17333-10) by NOAA